A New Year’s Greeting: Creating space
“Transcendence” Rebecca Katz, 2018 www.rebeccakatzart.com
Like most of us, as the new year begins I’ve been doing a lot of musing, reflecting, and considering possibilities. Here’s a question that I’m really enjoying turning over in my mind: How can we make more space?
Our world, our society tends to compress and contract so much of our lives. Bills due, deadlines, getting the car repaired, cleaning the house, dental appointments, carpool, checking our phones. We’re fortunate, but tightly bound!
In December I had 12 paintings I wanted to get done in time for my art show, and I was feeling the pressure of too little time. I suddenly thought, Hold it! You are not working on a book deadline. No publisher is breathing down your neck. No one but you is insisting you have 12 new paintings!
Importantly, it occurred to me that I was doing this because I LOVE it and that I could breathe. I could leave myself open for the intangible, for things to unfold, for happy accidents. I could create space around that.
That’s where the joy and creativity is!
If you create space you can create a lot of health in your life. Get out of that stress. Find the room to breathe.
What if...instead of furnishing your whole year, packing it with goals and deadlines, you made space?
Speaking of making space...
As of NEXT month, we’re going to a new format. Instead of weekly blogs and a monthly digest, we’ll be publishing a monthly newsletter on the first Sunday of each month, with a blog post, a harvest of the very best recent articles I’ve discovered, seasonal recipes and a meal plan, to add ease and flavor to your food life!
Why? To create more space for my Healing Kitchens Institute nonprofit, which is doing really creative, wonderful healing work in the world and which needs some of my love and attention. :)
I’ll share more about that in future. I think it will be right up your alley.
Nourishing thoughts,